Join us for an instructional workshop on the benefits of gua sha. November 10th 5- 6:30 PM at Arid Lands in the MSA Annex. Participants will learn the techniques of this traditional chinese medicinal practice. Limited to 12 participants. Come fresh faced to participate hands-on.
Workshop participants will receive
- 1 gua sha tool
- 1 facial hydrosol
- gua sha tutorial + take home instructions
- 1 facial towel
- light refreshments after the workshop
- 20% off discount in store code as well as an additional seasonal coupon
bringing beautiful things
from the desert to your home
We gather finely made objets, crafted by artisans from the wildlands...
Hand-blown glass from Bolivia, Mexico, and Morocco.
Woven elephant grass basketry from Ghana, cotton totes from Guajaca, textiles from Turkey and Afghanistan, agave (maguey) fiber exfoliators from the Sonoran Desert, and pumice from the Sea of Cortez.
We revere the crafts-people who live in these delicate eco-systems as some of the rarest and most resourceful of the earth.